Functions list

Standard Multipliers


returns a single figure representing the life expectancy.


=LE("Brian") returns the life expectancy of Brian

=LM(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the life multiplier.


=LM("Brian") returns the life multiplier of Brian.

=LM("Brian", -0.75%) returns the life muttiplier of Brian at a discount rate of -0.75%.

=EM(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the earnings multiplier i.e. the multiplier from Trial until Retirement.


=EM("Brian") returns the earnings multiplier of Brian.

=EM("Brian", -0.75%) returns the earnings muttiplier of Brian at a discount rate of -0.75%.

=AEM(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the earnings multiplier adjusted by the contingency factor i.e. the multiplier from Trial until Retirement multiplied by the contingency factor.


=AEM("Brian") returns the adjusted earnings multiplier of Brian.

=AEM("Brian", -0.75%) returns the adjusted earnings muttiplier of Brian at a discount rate of -0.75%.

=PM(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the pernsion multiplier i.e. the multiplier from Retirement until Death.


=PM("Brian") returns the pension multiplier of Brian.

=PM("Brian", -0.75%) returns the pension muttiplier of Brian at a discount rate of -0.75%.

Standard Joint Multipliers


returns a single figure representing the joint life expectancy.


=JLE("Brian") returns the joint life expectancy of Brian and the deceased.

=JLM(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the joint life multiplier.


=JLM("Brian") returns the joint life multiplier of Brian and the deceased.

=JLM("Brian", -0.75%) returns the joint life muttiplier of Brian and the deceased at a discount rate of -0.75%.

Multipliers in general

=MULTIPLIER(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the multipler at a point in time or over a period .


=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 60) The yearly multiplier at age 60 for Brian.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 60, 70) The yearly multiplier from age 60 until 70 for Brian.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 60, 70, "5Y") The five yearly multiplier from age 60 until 70 for Brian.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 60, 70, "<5Y") The five yearly multiplier from age 60 until 70 for Brian, with the first loss at the start of the period.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 60, 70, "5Y>") The five yearly multiplier from age 60 until 70 for Brian, with the first loss at 5 years.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', TRIAL, LIFE) The yearly multiplier from trial until end of life for Brian.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', TRIAL, LIFE, -0.75%) The yearly multiplier from trial until end of life for Brian with 0.75% discount rate.

=MULTIPLIER('Brian', 3/9/2020, 6/1/2034, "Y" 'M') The yearly multiplier from 3/9/2020 until 6/1/2034 discounted for mortality only.

=MULTIPLIERL(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a four figures representing the past multipler (no of years in the past), the interest multiplier, the future multiplier and the total multiplier, at a point in time or over a period .

=MULTIPLIERP(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the past multipler (no of periods in the past) only.

=MULTIPLIERF(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the future multipler only.

Joint Multipliers in general

=JMULTIPLIER(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the joint multipler with the deceased at a point in time or over a period .


=JMULTIPLIER('Brian', 60, 70) The yearly joint multiplier with the deceased upon whom Brian was dependent from Brian's age 60 until Brian's age 70 .

=JMULTIPLIERL(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a four figures representing the past joint multipler (no of years in the past), the interest joint multiplier, the future joint multiplier and the total joint multiplier, at a point in time or over a period .

=JMULTIPLIERP(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the past joint multipler (no of periods in the past) only.

=JMULTIPLIERF(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"], [discounts='AMI'], [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the future joint multipler only.

Discount Factor and Term Certain

=DF(name, when, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the discount factor to be applied to a loss in the future. Note: this is equivalent to a multiplier for a given one-off loss in the future discounted solely for accelerated receipt.


=DF("Brian", 90) returns the discount factor for a loss incurred when Brian is aged 90.

=DF("Brian", 90, -0.75%) returns the discount factor for a loss incurred when Brian is aged 90 with a discount rate of -0.75%

=TC(name, [discount-rate=default discount-rate])

returns a single figure representing the term certain over a loss in the future. Note: this is equivalent to a multiplier over a future period discounted solely for accelerated receipt.


=TC("Brian", 60, 90) returns the term certain from Brian's age 60 to Brain's age 90.

=TC("Brian", 60, 90, -0.75%) returns the term certain from Brian's age 60 to Brain's age 90 at a discount rate of -0.75%.


=AGGINT(name, from, [to], [frequency="Y"])

returns a single figure representing the special account interest on a past loss. Note: the name is required as it is for all functions.


=AGGINT("Brian", 20/6/2021) the special account interest on a one-off past loss on 20/6/2021 until Trial.

=AGGINT("Brian", 20/6/2021, 20/7/21) the special account interest on a yearly recurring loss from 20/6/21 to 20/7/21

=AGGINT("Brian", 20/6/2021, 20/7/21,"W") the special account interest on a weekly recurring loss from 20/6/21 to 20/7/21

=AGGINT("Brian", 20/6/2021, 20/7/21,"A") the special account interest on a total sum lost in the period from 20/6/21 to 20/7/21


returns a single figure representing the interest on general damages at 2% a year.



returns the date of Trial.


returns the date of birth of the claimant.


returns the date of death of the deceased.


returns the date of injury.


returns the date of service.


returns the contingency factor for the claimant.


returns the age at Trial of the claimant.


returns the age at injury of the claimant.


returns the date of service.


returns the expected age at death of the claimant.


returns the expected date of death of the claimant.


returns the age at retirement of the claimant.


returns the revised age of the claimant. This is the age that yields the revised life expectancy.


returns the reduced (or increased) life expectancy in years.


returns the Table E factor for the claimant.


returns the Table F factor for the claimant.