Quick Start Guide
What is it?
Ogden Split Multipliers is an Add-on for Google Sheets that allows the accurate calculation of multipliers with a high degree of flexibility.
The calculations are based on the raw data provided by the Office of National Statistics for Ogden 7 and Ogden 8 for the UK.
Every figure in the published Ogden 8 Tables has been checked and verified by Ogden Split Multipliers. See here. So you can be confident it is accurate.
What do I need?
All you need is a Google (Gmail) Account. Get one here. This is free up to a certain amount of storage. Every google account provides Google Sheets. Google Sheets is very similar to Excel. But it is better suited, in my opinion, for web-based applications.
Why do I need it?
It will save you time. You will make fewer errors. It is flexible. Unlike other online calculators, you can directly link your calculations to Google Documents. That means you can update your Schedule seamlessly when the figures change.
How much does it cost?
There is a 14 day free trial.
A year's licence is £160. Click on Ogden/Licence. Get a release code emailed to you by paying through Paypal or a card. Copy the release code to the box.
Even when the trial or licence period expires, you can still edit your access your existing Google Sheets, but you will no longer be able to edit the claimants in the side bar.
From, To
The 'From' and 'To' cells can have a different types of value to indicate the start and end of the period for the split multiplier:
23/10/2022 - the date
70 - age
TRIAL - date of TRIAL
LIFE - for life (125 years)
RETIREMENT - age at retirement
TRIAL + 2Y - date of trial plus 2 years
TRIAL - 3M - date of trial less 3 months
If you wish to only calculate the multiplier for a one-off loss, leave the 'to' cell blank.
The 'discounts' cell indicates the discounts that should be applied. An additional discount is applied for each letter in the string.
A - accelerated receipt (applied to future losses)
M - mortality (applied to future losses)
I - interest (applied to past losses)
C - contingencies other than mortality (applied to future losses)
D - dependency on another (applied to past and future losses).
The 'frequency' cell can contain varioius values to indicate how often the loss recurs in the period.
Y - every year, continously
<Y = every year, discretely, starting at the beginning of the period
Y> - every year, discretely, starting at the end of the first period
3Y - every 3 years
M - every month
W - every week
D - every day
Author: William Chapman, barrister at 7 Bedford Row.
Send queries to william@ogdensm.co.uk, subject 'Ogden Split Multipliers'.