
By simply clicking 'Add Summary Tab', Ogden Split Multipliers will tabulate and summarise an entire Schedule on the front tab.


  • Each tab should represent a separate head of loss. Name each as you wish. For example, 'PSLA' for pain, suffering and loss of amenity. 'LOE' for loss of earnings or 'Treatment' for treatment costs.

  • Prefix each named tab with the letter G, P or F. G is for general damages, P is for past losses and F is for future losses. This allows the computer to put the head of loss in the correct section. It will ignore tabs without a prefix. Your tabs will look something like this:

  • On each tab, enter your calculations. When you have finished, colour the background of the total cells in one colour. I typically use yellow. The computer will add up all the yellow cells on each tab to calculate the total for that tab (and head of loss).

  • If one of the total cells represents interest, indicate this by italicising that cell.

When you are finished, select 'Add Summary Tab' from the menu. The computer inserts an additional tab with the Summary at the start of the tabs and colours in the tabs according to whether each represents General Damages (yellow), Past Losses (blue), or Future Losses (red).

Each head of loss is hyperlinked to the relevant tab, to make navigation easy.

  • You can create scenarios by using additional colours for the total cells on each sheet. Make sure you use the same colour for each scenario. For example, I am interested in a scenario where the claimant retires early at 55 because of his injuries:

  • Click on 'Add Summary Tab' again from the menu. Changes from the base case are highlighted in red. Add your own scenario names overwriting those provided by default.

  • You can deal with interims, CRU and contributory negligence. Enter the details on a new sheet. For each total add a named range by clicking on Data/Named Ranges.

    • 'Interims'

    • 'CRU'

    • 'Contrib'

  • Now, when you click 'Add Summary Tab' these are added to the summary: